REVIEW:Star Wars Jedi:Fallen Order(2019 Video Game)

If a girl replies ‘General Kenobi’ to your ‘Hello There’,she’s the one.

-Reviewed by Aryaman Mishra on PC

Image result for star wars jedi fallen order
StarKiro:Jedis Die Twice

There are barely any real Star Wars fan I know,truth be told.The ones who have watched the Skywalker Saga,albeit forcefully or you know…part of the ongoing competition as to who have watched the most shows,just don’t share the fandom of someone who grew up watching Clone Wars on Cartoon Network in 2008.They know the real name of the Mandalorian but can’t even recognize Ahsoka or Bo-Katan when they made their live action debut.It’s all a part of a big conglomerate,y’know,the big mouse figurehead.All of this comes from the person who only watched the prequel trilogy……on a DVD… Hindi in his childhood,some golden days indeed those were.I didn’t show any interest in watching the sequel trilogy cuz of the really shitty quality(1970s-80s productions that too,dubbed,thank God for MoviesNow HD).’Nuf said about the TBBT wannabes,let’s get on the real reason you’re here.

Image result for star wars jedi fallen order mantis
Great fast-travel stuff.

Jedi:Fallen Order though an unoptimized and buggy mess-it’s negligible if viewed by the prism of Cyberpunk 2077, by all means really delivers when it comes to character progression and setting the stage for upcoming installments.EA finally came through with a AAA experience that does not pester it’s base with microtransactions and lootboxes.The game doesn’t have any multiplayer components(y’all missing Battlefront already?) and has a branching upgrading system.Unlike other hack-n-slash games out there like DMC or God of War,you have to time your hits and parry in the same manner.The best part though is that you can deflect beams with your lightsaber and finish those Stormtroopers(whose aim is good…like really good this time around)if you time your block when they shoot.It’s more like Dark Souls with a Star Wars skin on it.

Image result for star wars jedi fallen order stormtroopers
Pricks were shooting on target this time around.Lucky for me,I deflected them via my trusty green lightsaber.

Here’s the outline:5 years after having survived Order 66(Purge of the Jedi Order-watch ‘Revenge of the Sith’ or the ‘Clone Wars’),Cal Kestis,after revealing his force powers causing him to come out of hiding,embarks on the journey to find an ancient holocron which contains the name of all the force-sensitive children whom can be trained and rebuild the Jedi Order to lead the battle against the evil Empire.Joining him is Cere,a former Jedi who almost turned,Greeze,pilot of the Mantis by which you will traverse various planets like Kashykk,Dathomir(chills) and Bogano,Nightsister Merrin(as of now my favourite female character in the franchise,f*** off Rey ‘SkyFAKEr’) and the chicken-like droid BD-1.

Image result for star wars jedi fallen order planets

The game offers 5 planets to discover items and explore to further the story points with a bunch of side-areas to explore and unlock upgrades,including ponchos,skins for Mantis and BD-1 and lightsabre components.You’ve got boss fights with a variation of creatures like AT-STs,Security Droids,3 bounty Hunters,2 Jedis who turned to the dark side(more on one of them later…you know the one…..cue ‘Imperial March’),2 Inquisitors,1 bird-like creature whose boss-fight would tax your Graphics card brutally and a boss you just can’t defeat no matter how hard you try.

I was like:’FUUCCCK!!!!Abey yeh kaha se aa aagaya?’

Just saying….you just can’t beat Vader(i tried multiple times)…he’s literally overpowered and in his Sith prime when he arrives and kicks our a$$es back to our ship.

The game has a lovely cast of characters with whom you will interact with in the course of the main story.As Cal struggles to repair his connection with The Force via flashbacks pre-Order 66 when he was going through his Jedi training,you will learn how to push/pull certain objects to solve intriguing puzzles to reach your objectives on those planets.You can save your game at checkpoints by meditating.While going through those planets,BD-1 will accompany you to operate some machineries to open passages and shortcuts to get to certain points without grinding it out.Enemies respawn after saving your progress so BD-1 would provide ‘stims’ to replenish your healthbar.If an enemy succeeds in depleting your health bar,you will respawn at your last checkpoint and will have to defeat that same enemy in order to regain your health,force bar and XP.The best part is that after a certain point you can change the color of your lightsabre-I chose Red to contrast that I’m not a Sith lord then Purple to pay homage to Mace Windu,a character played By Samuel L.Jackson(famous for films like….idk…’SNAKES ON A PLANE’….;) JK).

Image result for jedi fallen order purple lightsaber
There are %$#^#$%#%%$^& Siths on this #@%@%…..Nevermind.

Now onto the bad stuff-more like nitpicking and offering some constructive criticism,after you’ve attained your objective,you have to make your way back to the Mantis and deal with the same enemies all over again.First,those maps are hugh and complicated(See the map of Dathomir….ugghhh).Secondly,those variations of small enemies like Oggdo Boggdo on Bogano is just unfair,the guy depleted half my healthbar with a single nudge and I was playing it on Easy Mode(Jedi Knight difficulty).Sometimes the block buttton just stops working,so spamming won’t work when the enemies perform unblockable offense moves.It’s all about timing(parry) when it comes to games like these.Sometimes the level design is so bad ,you won’t have any idea where to go next,so you’ll keep on circling till you find that small passageway to get through to the next area.Sometimes you’ll make a blunder when you choose the wrong direction and wander away from the objective.At this point’all you can do is find a way back to that very place and get back on track.Due to the game’s optimization,the game would lag at times before I’m about to engage with a fight but that doesn’t ruin the immersion of the game.

Image result for jedi fallen order dathomir map
Abe jaana kaha thaa?Get a load of this….

Overall,Jedi Order is a great game and patches have been released and the game will run at great framerate if you have a 1gb Graphics Card on yourself.You will love stepping into the shoes of a Jedi with graphics which are smooth as silk(it’s from 2019…duh).I’d seriously recommend you try this if you are a real Star Wars nerd.Yep,we will go to the Prom by ourselves though but we have Merrin in our hearts so win-win.

Image result for nightsister star wars
There will be hell to pay if you devs kill her off!!

*coming soon->Gameplay video*

Published by Aryaman Mishra

Queen Fan.Pro-Wrestling Fan.UFC Fan.Gamer.VITian.

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